If you are someone who likes to take on do-it-yourself projects, chances are you are bound to work with concrete at some point or another.

After all, concrete is a great and sturdy material that can make for some pretty incredible projects. Although concrete may seem scary to work with, it doesn’t have to be.

From ensuring that your concrete stays damp while you’re working with it to ending your project with concrete waterproofing, here are four helpful tips that can make working with concrete significantly less intimidating.

1. Keep It Moist

After you have poured and levelled off your concrete, it is important that you keep it damp for at least a week after pouring it.

This is because the concrete needs to cure and if it dries too quickly, the concrete may end up being too weak. As a result, you should continue to moisten the concrete using a spray bottle every few hours, up until the concrete has been given enough time to dry completely.

If you notice that the water you’ve sprayed is evaporating too quickly, try and spray it more often than not. You can also try and keep a plastic sheet over it to keep the water from evaporating too fast.

2. Concrete Waterproofing

Unless you are used to working with concrete, you may not know about concrete waterproofing. Waterproofing your concrete can be done via torch on membrane, liquid membrane, sheet membrane and more.

There are many benefits to concrete waterproofing, including the fact that it prevents concrete from eroding as quickly. Without waterproofing, water can seep into the concrete causing it to eventually break down over time.

Waterproofing prevents that from happening and thus makes structures last longer while also helping to prevent mould and reduce maintenance costs.

3. Use the Right Amount of Water When Mixing

Even if you are not a seasoned expert, it is safe to say that most people know that the ratio of water to concrete mix is extremely important. Not enough water and your concrete will clump. Add too much and it will be too watery.

Typically, the bags of concrete include the ratio of water to mix that should be used, but it’s also important to pay close attention to the texture of the concrete once it starts to form. Your concrete should ultimately look and feel like cookie dough and be firm.

4. Make It More Aesthetically Pleasing

If you want your concrete to be more aesthetically pleasing, consider adding some colour to the mix. You can find liquid concrete dye in a variety of colours that include red, black, and brown.

In order to add it to the concrete mix, you must first add the colour to the water in a separate container before blending it into your dry concrete mix. Before you know it, you will have a beautiful slab of concrete in a colour other than the dull, grey concrete that we are all used to.