Foot pain is an excruciating experience and gives a whole new meaning to be able to stand on your own two feet. As you go through life, the foot ligaments continue to stretch out and relax, and there comes a time when your arches start to hurt. A flat fee is a common arch issue and may lead to a variety of health problems.

Flat feet not only result in pain but may also create back problems, and balance issues and it also has the potential to disturb the nervous system. Foot and arch strengthening exercises will provide you relief from pain and also strengthen your ankles and feet, and help in improving your posture.

Causes of Flat Feet or Fallen Arches

Ankle or foot injury may cause flat feet but certain other health issues are also associated with this condition. Some examples include hypertension, pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, genetic issues, diabetes, and muscular or neurological disease.

Strengthening Exercises for Feet with Low Arches

It is possible to strengthen your feet with the help of certain exercises. Here is a list of some foot strengthening and arch support exercises to strengthen and support your foot arch muscles:

Towel Curl

It is one of the easiest exercises for strengthening foot arch muscles. Take a bath towel and spread it straight on the floor. Take a chair and keep your feet on top of the bath towel and make sure your heels are touching the ground. Keep scrunching the towel with the help of your toes and keep repeating the motion.

Heel Stretches

There are a lot of tendons and muscles that travel from the calves down to your heel and feet. You need to keep this area stretched to prevent tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and foot pain.

Stand straight and rest your hands on a wall or a chair. Now bring one of your legs forward and keep the other extended behind your body. Force both your heels into the ground. Start bending the front leg until the back of your leg is completely stressed. Keep this position for 30 seconds and do four repetitions for each leg.

Tennis Ball Rolls

It is designed for strengthening and stretching the foot arch muscles. Take a chair and sit straight on it. Get a tennis ball and place it on the floor.

Take your foot and keep it on the ball. Keep rolling the ball with the help of your foot and target the arch. You could also use a bottle of frozen water. It helps in reducing inflammation. Repeat this exercise with both feet and keep doing it for 2 to 3 minutes.

Arch Lifts

This exercise is designed to provide support to arches. Keep your feet parallel while standing and keep your hands on your hips. Lift both your heels slowly while engaging the core muscles. Slowly begin to roll your body weight onto the sides of the feet. Make sure your toes are always touching the floor. Repeat it 10 times.

Are Orthotics Good for Flat Feet?

Orthotics make a big difference when it comes to managing pain levels. Insoles and shoes like Ryka Shoes help with pain management. There are several solutions such as orthotic shoes, orthotic inserts, or OTC heel pads that are effective in relieving pain and improving ankle and foot mobility. These devices also help in improving balance and supporting arches.

By Published On: December 6th, 2022Categories: Health0 Comments on Flat Feet – Problems and Solutions