Introduction to HIIT

HIIT refers to High-intensity interval training, it is an interval-based form of workout. HIIT exercise includes short bursts of exercise performed with maximum efforts, greater than 80% of heart rate, followed by periodical rest.

At the time of HIIT workout, we do not have to work for long hours, instead of that when you are moving it should be at high intensity.

To get optimum benefits from HIIT, you must make sure you’re hitting at high intensity. HIIT workout is a matter of quality over quantity. It means greater intensity, and shorter time duration, as well a longer resting period.

Who is HIIT for?

You can do a HIIT workout because it’s safe for you and everyone. HIIT is a high-intensity workout that’s why it can be dangerous for patients who have heart complications.

Doctors also don’t recommend this for pregnant ladies. Additionally, HIIT is appropriate for a wide range of people who are physically fit and active.

But structuring a HIIT workout is important on the basis of different elements such as the body constitution of a person, training status, body weight, safety, physical capabilities, and injury resistance power.

If a person is obese, then experts first identify which exercise is suitable for him, and which intensity is safe as well. For example, jumping squats is not a good option for overweight patients. Thus, it is advisable to consult with professionals to assess what is best for a particular patient

Benefits of HIIT for endurance

HIIT training improves Cardiovascular capacity. HIIT training enhances your mitochondria capacity. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell that offers enough energy during exercise

It provides long-term physical adaption.  Corrects the Cardiorespiratory system to control heartbeat, reduce blood pressure, vasodilation of blood vessels, and higher stroke volumes

Benefits of HIIT in Weight Loss Training

HIIT is fruitful for weight loss because it reduces absolute fat mass. Recent research reviewed that interval training and moderate level of exercise reduces similar fat amounts. However, interval training programs cut off a huge amount of absolute fat mass

It is time effective: Nowadays, HIIT has gained a huge amount of popularity due to its time -effectiveness.  HIIT bodybuilding training program provides equal benefits to steady-state Cardio sessions in a very short-time period.

It also shows the afterburn effect. It is also known as post-exercise oxygen consumption. The after-burn effect efficiently burns calories even while you finish up the exercise. However, the effect is not drastic, it is gradual and spontaneous.


Unseemly Increase in Volume and Intensity: Many of us are at legitimate fault for hopping into new activities excessively fast, disregarding our present wellness levels and capacities.

Absence of Recovery: High-force practice puts critical strain on our body, making appropriate recuperation imperative for both our wellbeing and execution.

Now let’s introduce running

Running is an essential part of a range of exercises including sprint intervals, HIIT, and long-distance. Here running is primarily considered the moderate-intensity steady-state cardio. Thus, we recommend running to moderate-intensity continuous steady-state cardio exercise.

Who is running for?

Just like the HIIT program, running is appropriate for everyone. Most of the population below 55 years perform movement running. However, each exercise shows some negative consequences.

Thus, it may cause harm to some of the individuals who are suffering from joint pain, arthritis, weak bones, high body mass, and wounded knee. Therefore, the doctor recommends low-impact exercise rather than running.

Benefit of running in endurance

Running is beneficial for your entire physiology and heart. The result is quite similar to HIIT training. It improves cardiovascular capacity as it enhances the mitochondrial capacity. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell that offers enough energy during the workout.

It also offers long-term physical adaptation. It improves the cardiorespiratory system because of reduced heart rate, blood pressure even increases the diameter of blood vessels, and increased stroke volumes.

It is also popular for greater specificity.  It looks better with gradual steady-state cardio. Running is always helpful for your body and mind. Because while you run, our pituitary gland releases happy hormones.

You can do continuous exercise because it drains your energy after some time. Therefore, spontaneous running and resting may help you in endurance

Benefits of Running in Weight Loss Training

Duration: As referenced, running is a moderate-force workout, meaning you can work for a more extended timeframe. Long exercises have the ability to consume a ton of calories.

An unhealthy diet brings about weight reduction. HIIT preparation likewise has an unhealthy consumption, however, the extreme focus nature causes fast exhaustion, keeping you from long meetings

Disadvantages of Running

It can be time-consuming, and high impacting. Running may not be suitable for arthritis patients, with low bone mineral density, and cardiac patients


HIIT Vs Running, both of these have their own benefits, and also negative consequences. Running and HIIT are both effective for weight loss and endurance. However, each has its own importance, and way of the working mechanism.

You can use a hand grip trainer while the HIIT program for a better outcome because the result of any exercise depends on the physical ability and core strength.

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