The great thing about Chester is that it has a mild climate throughout the year so you can visit it anytime you want.

The hottest month is usually July, however, the temperature doesn’t typically go past 16°C in this month. The winters are relatively warm and in January, you can expect a temperature of approximately 5°C.

If you have a tight budget, then there are many free museums and cultural centers that you can visit whenever you wish. The Museum Grosvenor is an excellent museum to visit, however, you should check the schedule before you visit since the museum has different exhibitions throughout the year.

So, if there is a particular exhibition that you want to see, make sure to check the schedule to ensure it is available during the time that you intend to visit.

If you’ve never visited Chester before and are planning your first visit, be sure to check out a tourist center. Make sure to take a couple of free brochures that will show you the various entertainment centers, attractions, souvenir shops, and more.

You can easily get a hotel in the town that isn’t far from many attractions in Chester. Take a look at these Chester deals on hotels. Be sure to stay at a hotel near the attractions that you want to see so that you can walk to visit them during your stay.

Once you have sufficient time, then you should think about visiting London or Liverpool. There are buses going to these places every day and it will only take you about 2 hours to go to London and 30 minutes to go to Liverpool.

When packing your suitcase, you may want to take a couple of appliances with you. However, you need to remember that in Chester, the voltage is 240V. So, if your appliances can’t work on this voltage you will need to purchase an adapter.

If you want to walk around the city, be sure to have a raincoat as well as an umbrella since the rain is unpredictable. It rains in the summer and winter since the temperature usually remains over zero.

There are many signs prohibiting smoking, so make sure to pay attention to these signs if you smoke. You can’t smoke in the public as well as in restaurants and bars. There are smoking areas that are typically placed next to public areas.

Lifestyle and festivals in Chester

Chester is well known for having many cultural traditions that you can enjoy when you visit. You can also experience a variety of food that you’re sure to enjoy.

If you want to go to a local pub or bar then there are things to remember. For example, place your order at the bar as opposed to calling the waiter. 

You can use phone booths in the city to make calls. You can easily purchase phone cards at most newsstands or post offices. If you make your calls between 8 pm and 8 am you’ll be able to enjoy a lower call rate.